Through The Acquisition Innovation Research Center (AIRC) , DOT&E contracted the Virginia Tech Applied Research Corporation (VT-ARC), in partnership with Virginia Tech National Security Institute (VTNSI), to develop a Joint Test Concept (JTC).

This multi-year effort, initiated in FY23, developed a JTC community of interest (COI) to serve as the guiding coalition and foundation for concept development. Integrating the COI-generated outcomes during design-based collaborative workshops, the resultant JTC pilot applies an end-to-end capability lifecycle campaign of learning approach, anchored in mission engineering, and supported by a live, virtual, constructive environment to assess material and non-material solutions’ performance, interoperability, and impact to service and Joint mission execution.

The work is featured in the latest edition of the International Test & Evaluation Association (ITEA) journal, “Reimagining T&E for the Modern Joint Environment: The Joint Test Concept”

Authors are VT-ARCs very own Maegen Nix, Christina Houfek, and Natalie Wells.

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